Sunday, February 24, 2013

央视前副台长:老百姓过得苦 春晚却在拍马屁

    央视前副台长洪民生分管了头十年的春晚, 他最不愿意做把关人,因为,“这完全和艺术无关。”
    央视前副台长:老百姓过得苦 春晚却在拍马屁



    新华网北京2月24日电 中共中央总书记习近平23日在北京指出,要努力让人民群众在每一个司法案件中都感受到公平正义,所有司法机关都要紧紧围绕这个目标来改进工作,重点解决影响司法公正和制约司法能力的深层次问题。


Friday, February 22, 2013

“表哥”杨达才被开除党籍 移送司法机关处理(图)

“表哥”杨达才被开除党籍 移送司法机关处理(图)

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西部网讯 记者从有关部门获悉,经陕西省纪委进一步调查,省安监局原局长杨达才在任职期间严重违纪并涉嫌犯罪。经陕西省纪委常委会研究并报省委批准,决定给予杨达才开除党籍处分,对其涉嫌犯罪问题移交司法机关依法处理。

China Hits Out at Cyber Attack Claims

China Hits Out at Cyber Attack Claims

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A person walks past a building in Shanghai alleged to be the home of a Chinese military-led hacking group, Feb. 19, 2013.
China's defense ministry on Wednesday rejected claims that the People's Liberation Army (PLA) was behind a series of hacker attacks on U.S. corporate networks described in a report this week by the security firm Mandiant.

In a statement published on its website, the Ministry of National Defense denied claims made in a 74-page report by U.S.-based Mandiant which said it had traced a large number of transnational cyber-attacks to IP addresses assigned to a building it said belonged to the PLA in Shanghai.

Mandiant said the building was the home of the PLA's cyber-espionage "Unit 61398," which it said had stolen data, including intellectual property, from at least 141 companies since 2006.

"In relying only on linking IP addresses for its conclusion that hacking attacks originated in China, the report lacks technical proof," the ministry said.

It said transnational cyber-attacks were notoriously hard to pinpoint: "The use of usurped IP addresses to carry out hacking attacks happens every day."

The statement said there was no clear definition of what was meant by the term 'hacking attack,' nor was there any legal evidence to support Mandiant's claims.

It said that China had also been the target of cyber attacks from IP addresses originating in the U.S., adding: "We have not blamed the U.S. government for this."

Possible support

However, Mandiant's report said it was "highly unlikely" the Chinese government was unaware of the hacking attacks, and was possibly supporting the cyber-espionage.

Professor Wang Weizheng of the University of Richmond said the allegations that the PLA was behind cyber-attacks on U.S. companies hadn't come as a surprise.

"China is at the forefront of using cyber-attacks on other countries," he said. "A lot of research from different countries is showing the same thing."

Earlier this month, The New York Times newspaper accused hackers traced to China of "persistently" infiltrating its computer networks over the last four months, also sparking an angry denial from Beijing.

The paper had hired a team of computer security experts to trace the attacks and block any back doors through which they were gaining access to the system, it said.

Cyber security experts said, however, that the report should be taken in the context of widespread cyber-espionage carried out by a large number of countries.

Security expert Jeffrey Carr wrote in a recent blog post: "My problem is that Mandiant refuses to consider what everyone that I know in the Intelligence Community acknowledges—that there are multiple states engaging in this activity; not just China."

Sichuan-based technology expert Pu Fei, who works for the Tianwang rights website, agreed.

"There are special units dedicated to cyber-espionage in every country, not just China," Pu said. "This is entirely normal."

"I think it's understandable, if a country is trying to protect national security, or obtain intelligence reports of a military and political nature," he said. "But if a government starts using this sort of facility to procure commercial secrets, then that's immoral and unacceptable."

Repeated denial

The Chinese government has repeatedly denied any involvement in hacking activities, saying it is opposed to them.

The Global Times newspaper, a tabloid with strong ties to the ruling Communist Party, hit out at the U.S. over the report, and previously reported allegations by media organizations and security firm McAfee.

"We have every reason to suspect the true intentions of the U.S. and its major allies in repeatedly hyping up a China cyber-hacking threat," the paper said in an editorial on Wednesday.

It called for details of similar allegations of attacks made on Chinese networks to be made public.

"As a long-term counter-measure, China needs to encourage those institutions and individuals who have been subject to cyber-attacks from U.S. IP addresses to stand up and tell the world what happened to them," it said.

Reported by Tang Qiwei for RFA's Mandarin service and by Wei Ling for the Cantonese service. Translated and written in English by Luisetta Mudie.

Shandong Police Deny Chen Family Passport Bid

Shandong Police Deny Chen Family Passport Bid

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Chen Guangcheng speaks alongside his wife after receiving a U.S. award at Capitol Hill in Washington, Jan. 29, 2013
Authorities in the eastern Chinese province of Shandong have refused to issue passports to the mother and brother of blind Chinese dissident Chen Guangcheng for them to visit him in the United States.

Chen's elder brother, Chen Guangfu, said he and his 78-year-old mother had applied for passports to travel to New York to visit Chen, his wife and the couple's daughter. The blind activist is studying law at New York University after escaping from house arrest in China.

"The authorities wouldn't accept our application, and of course we are very disappointed," Chen Guangfu said in an interview this week, after the family's request was rejected earlier this month.

"My mother knows that she won't have many more opportunities to go and see her son in the U.S., and she wanted to go while her health still allowed it," he said.

Chen Guangfu said the authorities had told the family that it was very hard to get visas to the United States, and that the family were unlikely to be issued a visa without an invitation letter.

Officials said the family was also unable to prove a blood relationship with Chen Guangcheng on the basis of household registration documents or personal ID cards.

"Later, I managed to get hold of someone who works in the police department, and they told me that they were just making excuses not to process the application," Chen Guangfu said, adding that he planned to try again soon.

"I asked our village government to write a letter confirming our relationship with Guangcheng...but they'll probably just think up another excuse."


Beijing-based rights lawyer Jiang Tianyong said the reasons given by police, who must approve all applications for passports in the first instance, were ridiculous.

"The police haven't got a leg to stand on," Jiang said. "It is the right of a citizen to apply for, and get, a passport. It's the same as an ID card."

"The reasons given by police were laughable...It's for U.S. consular officials to decide whether or not to issue a visa."

Chen, a self-taught lawyer who exposed forced abortions and other abuses of official power under China's one-child policy, has been living and studying law in New York since arriving in the U.S. in May after a diplomatic standoff between Washington and Beijing.

After 18 months of house arrest in Shandong's Dongshigu village, Chen outwitted his guards and made his way to the U.S. Embassy in Beijing, where Chinese and American officials eventually struck a deal allowing him and his family to go to New York to study.

His nephew, Chen Guangfu's son, is now imprisoned in the same jail where Chen himself spent several years, after being convicted of "intentional injury" in the wake of his uncle's escape.

Chen Kegui is serving a three-year sentence for his role defending himself from authorities in a raid on his home in the immediate aftermath of his uncle’s bid for freedom.

Reported by Lin Jing for RFA's Cantonese service. Translated and written in English by Luisetta Mudie.

公開財產 中國78%高官反對

February 22, 2013 06:15 AM | 1300 次 | 0 0 評論 | 1 1 推薦 | 電郵給朋友 | 打印

Read more: 世界新聞網-北美華文新聞、華商資訊 - 公開財產 中國78 高官反對 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Clampdown on Property Searches

Clampdown on Property Searches

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Chinese home buyers look at models of an apartment project at a real estate fair in Ningbo, Nov. 2, 2012.
Amid growing public outrage at huge property portfolios held by some officials, authorities in a number of Chinese cities have begun to ban searches aimed at discovering the number of properties a person owns.

The new rules have been announced in Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai, as well as in smaller cities like Zhangzhou in the southeastern province of Fujian, and Yancheng in the eastern province of Jiangsu, official media reported.

The rules apply to requests for property registry searches, which could previously be placed using a person's name as search criteria.

"Now, only searches using the property location or the deed number will be permitted," said the new regulations, posted on the website of the Zhangzhou municipal government in Fujian.

An official who answered the phone at the property management bureau of the Yancheng municipal government in Jiangxi confirmed the new rules.

"We have published new methods for searching information," the official said, but declined to comment further.

However, a notice on the city government's website said the rules now stipulated that only lawyers, land registry departments and housing departments could carry out searches under personal names.

Requests from anyone else would be refused, it said, adding that there had been a number of "abnormal" leakages of personal information in some districts.

It said the rules had been issued in response to "security fears" among ordinary citizens.

'Corrupt officials are afraid'

But political analysts said the move was more likely aimed at blocking public attempts to unmask officials and civil servants with exceptionally large property portfolios.

"Corrupt officials are afraid that information about their properties will come to light, so they are talking about their so-called privacy," said Hu Xingdou, professor at the Beijing University of Science and Technology.

"However, the principle should be that officials have been entrusted with public power, and very likely making out of that power some kind of private gain," he said.

"So details of their properties have nothing to do with privacy. If they want to protect the privacy of their property investments, they should leave public life," Hu said.

In just one of a series of cases unmasked by netizens, authorities in the northern province of Shaanxi are currently investigating a former banking official accused online of amassing a huge Beijing property portfolio using forged identities.

Gong Aiai, a former deputy head of the Shenmu County Rural Commercial Bank in Shaanxi's Yulin city, was detained after allegations that she owned more than 20 properties under false names surfaced on the Internet, with evidence from whistle-blowers.

Gong, who is nicknamed online "the house lady," is thought to have accumulated more than 20 properties worth an estimated 1 billion yuan (U.S.$159 million) in Beijing using fake documents.

Retired Shandong University professor Sun Wenguang said netizens had been active via social media sites like Sina Weibo in trying to unmask similar cases across China using searches of land registries.

"The use of property information databases has become a major tool in the fight against corruption in China," Sun said.

"This has put fear into officials, because there isn't a single one of them who is not corrupt," he said.

Guangzhou rights lawyer Tang Jingling said that soon after a similar case to Gong's known as "house uncle" had emerged in Guangzhou, the local authorities had clamped down on land and property registry inquiries from the public.

"They basically made it much harder for members of the public to make information requests from the property databases," Tang said. "The impetus for these rules came from officials behind the scenes who thought it was too easy for people to get hold of evidence of corruption."

"They say they want to protect their so-called privacy, but in fact they want to cover up evidence of criminal activity," Tang said.

Privacy protection

According to an article published on the website of the Xinhua news agency on Monday, it was "extremely necessary" to protect the privacy of property owners' information.

It said the aims of privacy protection and the fight against corruption were "not incompatible."

Incoming president Xi Jinping, who takes over formally from Hu Jintao in March, has warned that the ruling Chinese Communist Party must beat graft or lose power, sparking a nationwide clampdown on corruption.

However, political analysts say that officials with friends in high places are unlikely to be touched by the crackdown, and reports suggest many are liquidating their assets and making moves overseas.

China scored poorly in an annual global corruption index published last year by Transparency International, which measures perceptions of corruption around the world.

Mainland China ranked 80th out of 176 countries, down five places from the previous year.

Reported by Wei Ling for RFA's Cantonese service and Yang Fan for the Mandarin service. Translated and written in English by Luisetta Mudie.


    来源: 法广华语

    新华视点:【新华微评】侯伍杰提前出狱被当地官员和煤老板远接近迎。此事存两点疑问:一、侯当初因贪污受贿被判11年,何原因减刑至几乎原刑期一半?是否存在刑法规定的六种重大立功表现?二、此时欢迎侯之人,应为当年重要利益往来者,他们中是否有侯案中漏网之鱼? 2013-02-17 来源: 新华网(广州) 


     西南看立军 东北望培柱 

     近期,网上出现了多篇刘培柱深入人群密集场所督导检查的新闻,大致内容为 “省公安厅党委副书记、常务副厅长刘培柱,副厅长、长春市副市长、公安局长李祥在消防、指挥中心、治安、经文保等相关部门负责同志的陪同下,深入长春卓展购物中心督导检查消防安保工作落实情况。”
     其次,按正常情况,刘培柱检查长春工作,顶多也就是长春市公安局常委副局长陪同,那为何身为长春副市长、公安局长的李祥亲自陪同呢?原因就是刘培柱与李祥向来不合,可以说已达到了水火不容的程度。组织上深知此二人长其不合,故利用李祥去控制刘培柱的一举一动,防止其在视察过程中出现“意外”。李祥在“陪” 刘培柱视察之前,向省委表态坚决“看护”好刘培柱,并向省委签定了保证书。
    【@dandelion666】笑道: [-嘻嘻]美领馆很忙啊……建议以后每个县都开一个,这样想逃奔的就不用长途跋涉了。

Saturday, February 16, 2013

'Hundreds' Detained Over Holiday

Authorities in Beijing and Shanghai round up petitioners during the Chinese Lunar New Year.
Photo courtesy of Boxun
Petitioners pose in front of the Shanghai Railway Station after being brought back from Beijing by authorities, Feb. 14, 2012.
After closing down some 'black jails' ahead of the Chinese New Year festivities, the authorities have once more begun rounding up and detaining petitioners in Beijing and Shanghai.

Xiao Qingshan, who arrived in Beijing on Thursday from the southern province of Guangdong to complain about farmland sold for development, said he and some 50 fellow protesters had been detained on Tiananmen Square shortly after they got there.

Xiao, who was speaking from detention at the Majialou detention center on the outskirts of Beijing, said some people were carrying placards, while others were telling passers-by about the situation in their village.

"A lot of policemen came, and they pretended to check our IDs," he said. "I was still shouting slogans, and several policemen pinned me down. When I resisted, they were very rough, and wouldn't allow me to make a sound."

"There was an older activist among us and he was injured when they beat him."

In a separate incident, a group of around 300 petitioners was detained in downtown Beijing near the Wangfujing shopping district in a similar protest.

Shen Lixiu, who was part of the protest, said the group had been surrounded by large numbers of police, and forced to board buses, which took them to another detention center at Jiujingzhuang.

"A lot of police came to the scene, and rounded up all the petitioners," Shen said. "I thought things weren't right, so I left."

"Some petitioners managed to run away, or take cover. The rest were taken to Jiujingzhuang," he said.

Shanghai detentions

Meanwhile, authorities in Shanghai detained around a dozen people after they traveled to Beijing to wish the new leadership under president-in-waiting Xi Jinping a prosperous Year of the Snake.

The group, all of whom are currently pursuing complaints against their local government officials, were detained after being brought back to Shanghai by local officials on Thursday, fellow activists said.

"A number of petitioners from Shanghai were brought back by train from Beijing," said petitioner Gu Guoping. "They wanted to wish the new leadership, Xi Jinping and [premier-in-waiting] Li Keqiang, a happy new year."

"When they got back to Shanghai they were all taken to the police station, where the police are talking to them, and are going to detain them," Gu said.

One of the petitioners, Xie Qingguo, spoke to RFA briefly by phone.

"I have just got to the police station, and they are getting ready to detain me," Xie said. "They have produced a disciplinary notice from the Beijing police department."

"I asked them what law I had broken and they said I went to 'illegal' places like Zhongnanhai," he said, referring to the ruling Communist Party's Beijing headquarters.

"I said if Xi Jinping can wish the whole nation a prosperous new year, then why can't I wish him one?"

New Year roundups

China's petitioners, many of whom sleep rough in the underpasses of the capital as they attempt to complain against government wrongdoing, are frequently the target of official roundups and harassment at Chinese New Year.

A Jilin petitioner surnamed Liu, who spent Chinese New Year in Beijing, said he saw a crowd of 500-600 petitioners outside Beijing's southern railway station on Saturday.

"They told me they were going to Premier Wen Jiabao's residence to wish him a happy new year," Liu said. "They said they hoped the premier would help them with their complaints, but I don't think that's going to work."

While they complain of being stonewalled, detained in “black jails,” beaten, and harassed by the authorities, China's petitioners are nonetheless making use of a legal and official channel for complaints and grievances; the "letters and visits" system.

Initially established in 1951, the petitioning system was reinstated during the 1980s following the large number of appeals against summary verdicts handed down during the political turmoil of the Cultural Revolution (1966-76).

China says it receives between 3 million and 4 million complaints in the form of "letters and visits" annually, on average.

However, many petitioners say they have been pursuing grievances, which are often linked to acts of violence by police or officials, forced evictions and loss of farmland, for decades with no result.

Beijing-based rights activist Liu Anjun said most petitioners would like to see a more democratic form of government in China.

"Right now, the rights activists and petitioners, the democracy activists, are all hoping for a good leader, who will want to democratize the country," he said.

"Everyone wants to experience what it is to have the rights and mentality of a citizen, and to exercise those rights to supervise and curb [the government], and to make it serve their needs."

Reported by Lin Jing for RFA's Cantonese service, and by Qiao Long for the Mandarin service. Translated and written in English by Luisetta Mudie.

Razed Home Sparks Self-Immolation

Chinese man sets himself ablaze after developers evict his family and destroy his home.
A resident reacts after failing to protect her home from a demolition crew in Guangdong province, March 21, 2012.
A migrant worker from the eastern Chinese province of Jiangxi who returned home for Chinese New Year to find his ancestral home demolished remains in critical condition this after setting fire to himself, his relatives said on Friday.

Hu Tengping arrived at his home--like hundreds of millions of Chinese--in time to celebrate the Year of the Snake with a traditional family get-together on Jan. 29, according to a rights activist from his hometown of Xinyu city.

But Hu's ancestral home in Xinyu's Zhoukang village had been razed to the ground in his absence and his family forcibly evicted.

While some 100,000 yuan (U.S. $16,000) in intended compensation had been paid directly to his bank account in his absence, Hu's shock was enough to prompt him to douse himself in petrol and set himself ablaze, rights activist Liu Xizhen said on Friday.

"By the time [I] heard about it, he was already in the hospital," she said. "He was very severely burned. Only the top of his head and the soles of his feet were unscathed."

"His family, including his wife and those closest to him, are watching over him," Liu added.

Severe burns

Hu's niece confirmed that her uncle had suffered severe burns over 95 percent of his body, had undergone surgery on Thursday, and was still in intensive care at the Xingang Center Hospital in Xinyu city.

"He is still in a critical condition," she said. "He is only semiconscious."

Hu's niece, also surnamed Hu, said her uncle was currently undergoing surgery every four or five days.

"When things like this happen, you'd think they would care more about what happens to ordinary people like us," she said. "They just knocked down my uncle's entire house."

Liu said she had tried to visit Hu at the hospital along with two fellow activists, but were turned away by security personnel at the hospital entrance.

"We weren't able to get in," she said. "The local village-level government had posted more than a dozen people there, watching the whole area."

"We tried to get in by posing as a married couple, but they surrounded us and asked us what we were doing. We said we wanted to visit a patient and they asked who it was, and then they stopped us."

Calls to the Xingang Center Hospital and to the Xinyu municipal police department went unanswered during office hours on Friday.

Calls to the Xinyu municipal government offices resulted in a repeated busy signal.

Forced evictions 

On Jan. 23, a man protesting forced eviction from his home in the eastern province of Shandong set himself on fire in front of government advisers during a parliamentary meeting.

Violent forced evictions, often resulting in deaths and injuries, continue to rise in China as cash-strapped local governments team up with development companies to grab property in a bid to boost revenue, according to a recent report by rights group Amnesty International.

Amnesty International collected reports of 41 cases of self-immolation from 2009 to 2011 alone due to forced evictions. That compares to fewer than 10 cases reported in the entire previous decade.

Nearly half of all rural residents have had land forcibly taken from them, with the number of cases on the rise, according to a 2011 study by the Landesa Rural Development Institute.

Reported by Wen Yuqing for RFA's Cantonese service. Translated and written in English by Luisetta Mudie.